‘Confused Trump’ ridiculed by Biden for ‘glitches’ in his ‘bizarre slur-filled NRA speech’

Donald Trump took some heat from the Joe Biden campaign on Saturday after the former president gave a speech for the National Rifle Association in Texas, and appeared to mess up his words as well as some key facts.

Trump, who was mocked online for bragging during the speech that he was healthier and a “better physical specimen” than fellow former president Barack Obama, also dealt with a bothersome fly during the political campaign event. He called the fly “brutal” as he swatted it away while speaking.

After the event, the reception was less than stellar from the rapid-response team for the Biden-Kamala Harris campaign.

At one point in Trump’s speech, he made a claim about his uncle. This was the Biden-Harris HQ summary of the quote:

“Trump: I say to myself ‘you’re a frickin genius.’ I had an uncle who is the longest-serving president *glitches* uh, professor in the history of MIT.?”

Trump did, in fact, appear to mess up his words during that particular story.

The account also highlighted an apparent discrepancy in Trump’s speeches, which were only one day apart.

“Trump yesterday: I won 29 golf championships,” the account wrote and included videos as proof. “Trump today: I won 31 golf championships.”

In another section of the speech, according to Biden’s campaign rapid response team, “A confused Trump” referred “to himself in the third person while reading his teleprompter: ‘Yes oh yes and quickly says President Trump,”” the account quoted.

At the end of the speech, when Trump brings in some musical accompaniment and reads from a familiar-but-passionate script, Biden-Harris HQ described it as, “Trump starts playing QAnon music during his bizarre slur-filled NRA speech.”